Scheil-Adlung Xenia
Building social security: The challenge of privatization - London Transaction Publishers 2001 - 311p. - International Social Security Series .
Social security in Finance.
Social security individual investment accounts.
Privatization- visions, effects and challenges : Social security privatization, more individual choice in social protection, Africa- implications of privatization measures initiated by international financing organizations
Privatization- an organizing principle for financing social security: Case for funded, individual accounts in pension reform, individual accounts v/s social insurance in US, strengthening public pensions with private investment in Canada
Privatization - tool for governance : Germany- efficiency and affordability in social security through partial privatization of provision for risk, from Panacea to poison pill Dutch paardigm, effects of recent trends on health care market, social health insurance development in low income developing countries- new roles for government and nonprofit health insurance organizations in Africa and Asia
National experiences of privatization in insured the economy and old age people : privatization in Polish pension scheme, Austria's discussion on social security privatization- some notes focusing on old age insurance, evolution of public and private insurance in Sweden during 1990, Tunisian health insurance- towards complementarity of public and private sector, impact of private sector involvement in health insurence in Uruguay, China- from public health insurence to multi tiered structure, impacts of private sector involvement in health insurance in Indonesia, trends in private sector involvement in delivery of workforce development service in US, changes in employment services through deregulation, privatization of accident compensation in New Zealand, advantages of statutory over private employment accident insurance in Germany, Danish experience with privatization
368.4 / ADL/B
Building social security: The challenge of privatization - London Transaction Publishers 2001 - 311p. - International Social Security Series .
Social security in Finance.
Social security individual investment accounts.
Privatization- visions, effects and challenges : Social security privatization, more individual choice in social protection, Africa- implications of privatization measures initiated by international financing organizations
Privatization- an organizing principle for financing social security: Case for funded, individual accounts in pension reform, individual accounts v/s social insurance in US, strengthening public pensions with private investment in Canada
Privatization - tool for governance : Germany- efficiency and affordability in social security through partial privatization of provision for risk, from Panacea to poison pill Dutch paardigm, effects of recent trends on health care market, social health insurance development in low income developing countries- new roles for government and nonprofit health insurance organizations in Africa and Asia
National experiences of privatization in insured the economy and old age people : privatization in Polish pension scheme, Austria's discussion on social security privatization- some notes focusing on old age insurance, evolution of public and private insurance in Sweden during 1990, Tunisian health insurance- towards complementarity of public and private sector, impact of private sector involvement in health insurence in Uruguay, China- from public health insurence to multi tiered structure, impacts of private sector involvement in health insurance in Indonesia, trends in private sector involvement in delivery of workforce development service in US, changes in employment services through deregulation, privatization of accident compensation in New Zealand, advantages of statutory over private employment accident insurance in Germany, Danish experience with privatization
368.4 / ADL/B