Sweetman Caroline
Gender and technology - Oxford Oxfam 1998 - 88p. - Oxfam focus on gender, 8. .
Social aspects
Effect of technological innovation
Women in development
Developing countries
Rural Development
Health technologies
Cyberfeminism, technology and international development, supporting invisible technologists- intermediate technology development group, marketing treadle pumps to women farmers in India- IDE india experience, reproductive health technologies and gender, rural development and women- what are the best approaches to communicating information, skilled craftswomen or cheap labor/labour- craft based NGO projects as an alternative to female urban migration in northern Thailand, rural women, development and telecommunications- pilot program in south Africa, denigration of women in Malawian radio commercials
women empowerment
362.83 / SWE/G
Gender and technology - Oxford Oxfam 1998 - 88p. - Oxfam focus on gender, 8. .
Social aspects
Effect of technological innovation
Women in development
Developing countries
Rural Development
Health technologies
Cyberfeminism, technology and international development, supporting invisible technologists- intermediate technology development group, marketing treadle pumps to women farmers in India- IDE india experience, reproductive health technologies and gender, rural development and women- what are the best approaches to communicating information, skilled craftswomen or cheap labor/labour- craft based NGO projects as an alternative to female urban migration in northern Thailand, rural women, development and telecommunications- pilot program in south Africa, denigration of women in Malawian radio commercials
women empowerment
362.83 / SWE/G