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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Sweetman Caroline

Gender and lifecycles - Oxford Oxfam 2000 - 96p


Women's rights in Developing countries.
Older people in Abuse of in Developing countries.
Older people in Developing countries in Social conditions.
Why we should invest in older women and men- experience of help age international, impact of AIDS on Tanzanian lakeshore communities, providing sex education to adolescents in rural Bangladesh- experiences from BRAC, using life histories to explore change- women's urban struggles in Cape town south Africa, family care of older women and men in Urban Mexico, research into the impact of paid work on young women's lives in Jordan, community research on older women in Dominican Republic, girl trafficking, HIV/AIDS and position of women in Nepal, gender, age and exclusion- challenge to community organizations in Peru
gender & development

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