Rapley John
Understanding development: Theory and practice in the third world - 2nd ed. - London Lynne Rienner Publishers 2002 - 202p.
Economic Policy
Neoclassical Reforms
Political economy
Post war period
Development theory in postwar period, state-led development in practice, neoclassical answer to failure, neoclassical reform in practice, development theory in wake of structural adjustment, political economy of development
338.9 / RAP/U
Understanding development: Theory and practice in the third world - 2nd ed. - London Lynne Rienner Publishers 2002 - 202p.
Economic Policy
Neoclassical Reforms
Political economy
Post war period
Development theory in postwar period, state-led development in practice, neoclassical answer to failure, neoclassical reform in practice, development theory in wake of structural adjustment, political economy of development
338.9 / RAP/U