• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Soundarapandian M

Small scale industries - New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2002 - 295p.


Small business
Rural Industries
Handloom industries
Rural industialization
Khadi and Village industries
Integrated management approach for rural industrialization, activity-based cost management (ABCM) for rural industries, health care management in quarry industries in madurai, inventory management through just in time methodologies in rural industries, management of handicraft wooden toys in Tirunelveli, management of erode weavers co-operative production and sale society limited
management of finance in khadi and village industries institutions, study on total quality management in small scale industries, role of KVIC in training the executives in small scale industries, training for the executives in rural industries, education and training needs of the rural population, Indian sugar industry during liberalisation era, evaluation of new economic policy on SSI, foreign trade performance performance during liberalisation, performance appraisal of Gandhiji handloom weavers co-operative production and sale society. export promotion in handloom industry in Chennai, Dindigul women polythene workers industrial co-operative society, study on mineral based industry in Dindigul district
Agrobased and food processing industry, study on revival of sick small scale industrial units, industrial sickness in textile industry , status of rural industries in new panchayati raj system, entrepreneur developemnt programme in national small industries corporation, women entrepreneurs in coimbatore district

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