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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Brac de la Perriere Robert Ali

Brave new seeds: The threat of GM crops to farmers - London Zed Books 2000 - 147p. - Global issues series .


Transgenic plants
Plant genetic engineering
Moral and ethical aspects
Genetic engineering
Environmental aspects.
Intellectual property rights Article 27 of WTO agreement, trade related aspects, patents or sui generis, UPOV
Rishikesh Declaration
Downside of GM seeds for agriculture in the south : Long years of breeding work by farmers, privatisation, economic dependence,small farmers, farmer to producer of molecules, ecological threats in south
Farmers autonomy jeopardised by sterile seeds : Terminator, technology ad risks
Ecological and health risks at stake : inadequate foresight, commercial success, gene flow, resistance towards insects, biodiversity, agrarian system in south
Politics of GMO seeds : Hunger, sustainable development or green revolution, intensifying production at the cost of biodiversity, mobilising farmers
Ethics : Transgression of the laws of nature, profit minded, imbalance
Workshop on genetically modified organisms and the rights of the rural community, saharanpur 1999

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