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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Townsend Janet Gabriel

Women and power: Fighting patriarchies and poverty - London Zed Books 1999 - 200p


Women in development in Mexico.
Poor women in Mexico in Social conditions.
Women's rights in Mexico.
Women and power, rural women in Mexico, 8 organization
Empowerment matters- understanding power : Power, rich and poor, power over, women and power, empowerment
Outsiders and self empowerment : Associational revolution : new organizations and work for a better world, outsiders and self empowerment
Power from within- getting out of that house
Power with getting organized : Organization and search for power with, road full of obstacles
Power to do and to make money : rural and academic women, obstacles to power to
Domination, oppression and resistance : Academic women and advisers on power over, rural women and power over
Levels of power- from person to the world : Dimensions of power, personal power, power in relationships, group power
women & poverty

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