Stocking Michae A
Handbook for the field assessment of land degradation - London Earthscan 2001 - 169p
Land Conservation
Gaining a farmer-perspective on land degradation : health issues
Land Degradation
land users: sustainable rural livelihoods (SRL)
Indicators of soil loss : participatory field sketch, Measurement guidelines, Rills, Gully, Pedestals, Armour layer, Plant/Tree root exposure, Fence posts, Waterfall soil loss, Rock exposure, Solution Notches, Tree mound, Build-up against barriers, Build up against tree trunk/ Plant stem, Sediment in Drains, Enrichment ration
Indicators of production constraints : Crop yield, Crop growth characteristics, Soil variables related to production
Combining indicators : SRL approach , Triangulation : gaining a robust view of land degradation
Consequence of land degradation for land users
Benefits of conservation: Cost benefit analysis, Bring together needed information
333 / STO/H
Handbook for the field assessment of land degradation - London Earthscan 2001 - 169p
Land Conservation
Gaining a farmer-perspective on land degradation : health issues
Land Degradation
land users: sustainable rural livelihoods (SRL)
Indicators of soil loss : participatory field sketch, Measurement guidelines, Rills, Gully, Pedestals, Armour layer, Plant/Tree root exposure, Fence posts, Waterfall soil loss, Rock exposure, Solution Notches, Tree mound, Build-up against barriers, Build up against tree trunk/ Plant stem, Sediment in Drains, Enrichment ration
Indicators of production constraints : Crop yield, Crop growth characteristics, Soil variables related to production
Combining indicators : SRL approach , Triangulation : gaining a robust view of land degradation
Consequence of land degradation for land users
Benefits of conservation: Cost benefit analysis, Bring together needed information
333 / STO/H