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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Kumar Virendra

Committees and commissions in India 1947-73. Vol.XI: 1971-73 - New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 1975 - 333p


Governmental investigations in India from 1971 to 1973
Committees in India from 1971 to 1973
1971- Refractories committee, committee on technical consultancy services, road safety, multi-state co-operative societies legislation, unemployment, under employment, status of women in India, Wakf enquiry committee, working group on financial and fiscal measures, central excise(self removal procedure) review committee, integrated rural development, unemployment
1972- Expert committee on rise in costs of irrigation and multipurpose projects , regional engineering colleges, working group on education, working group on finance for the cola group, reserve bank of India, agriculture, committee on regional accounts, Indian council of agricultural research enquiry committee, NCC evaluation committee
1873- committee for standardization of pay scales, allowances and perquisites of officers in nationalized banks, Indian council of social science research first review committee, land development banks, mass consumption, staff in central public works department, categorization of government of India press workers, railway accidents, informal expert group on co-operative education, expert committee on zoos, handloom industry

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