Jayanarayanan T
Forest degradation in Kerala - causes and consequences: A case study of Peechi - Vazhani area - Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development 2001 - 115 - Discussion Paper Series .
Area and method, floristic studies, biootic pressure, impacts of biotic pressure, forest degradation in past four decades 1950 to 1990, joint forest management, people's planning and beyond
333.31 / JAY/F
Forest degradation in Kerala - causes and consequences: A case study of Peechi - Vazhani area - Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development 2001 - 115 - Discussion Paper Series .
Area and method, floristic studies, biootic pressure, impacts of biotic pressure, forest degradation in past four decades 1950 to 1990, joint forest management, people's planning and beyond
333.31 / JAY/F