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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Morris Robert J

Urban governance: Britain and beyond since 1750 - Singapore Ashgate 2000 - 254p. - Historical Urban Studies .


Municipal government.
Rural and Civil Culture
Urban growth and urban governance
Urban finance and public health in Victorian Britain
Glassgow's municipal managers
Urban governance in Montreal and Toronto in a period of transition
Improvement commissioners boards of health and central-local relations in Portsea
Expediency, authority and duplicity: reforming Sheffield's police 1832-40
Politics, ideology and the governance of health care in Sheffield before the NHS
French local authorities and the challenge of institutional pollution
Politics and un-politics of smoke abatement legislation in Stockport
Industrial conciliation, class co-operation and the urban landscape in mid-Victorian England
Legitimacy: universities, medical licensing bodies and governance in Glasgow and Edinburgh from the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth centuries
Urban conflict
Ritual and civic culture in the English industrial city
Management of urban public spaces

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