Bowman Ann O'M
State and local government - New York Houghton Mifflin Company 2002 - 528p
State governments in United States.
Local government in United States.
New directions for state and local government : Capacity of states and localities, designers and consumers of government, capacity to results
Federalism and states : History of US federalism, intergovernmental relations, models of federalism, decriminalizing medical Marijuana
State constitutions : Evolution of state constitutions, constitutional reforms and weaknesses, constitutional change, state responsiveness and constitutional reform
Citizen participation and elections : Election day law making, citizen access to government, volunteering, effects of citizen participation, butterfly ballots
Political parties, interest groups and campaigns : Political parties, interest groups, political campaigns
State legislature : Legislative dynamics, behavior, legislative cue taking, reforms and capacity, relationship with executive branch
Governors : Office of governor, formal/ informal powers, removal from office, Vigor US governors
Public administration-budgeting and service delivery : Public employees in state and local government, budgeting in state and local government, personnel policy in state and local government, politics of bureaucracy, quality of public administration
Judiciary : Structure of stet court systems, judicial decision making, judicial federalism, state court reform
Structure of local government : Orientations to communities, country government, municipal government, special districts, school districts, communities and governance
Local leadership and governance : Community power, local executives, legislatures, leadership and capacity
State-local relations : Distribution of authority, state-local organizations, metropolitics, states and urban policy, states and their rural communities, interaction of state and local governments
State and local finance : Revenues, political economy of taxation, borrowing and debt, state and local financial relations
Economic development : Regional differences in economic prosperity, approaches to economic development, politics of economic development, current initiatives, issues in economic development, implications of economic development policy
Educational policy : Crisis in education, intergovernmental roles in education, actors in education policy, educational innovation in States
Criminal justice : Crime, intergovernmental roles in criminal justice, criminal justice policy, policy participants interactions, correctional policy, policy alternatives for states and localities, continuing challenges in crime and corrections
Social welfare and health care policy : Poverty, current social welfare programs, state innovations in social welfare
Environmental policy : Political economy of environmental protection, intergovernmental relationships, solid waste management, hazardous waste, nuclear waste, environmental justice
352 / KEA/S
State and local government - New York Houghton Mifflin Company 2002 - 528p
State governments in United States.
Local government in United States.
New directions for state and local government : Capacity of states and localities, designers and consumers of government, capacity to results
Federalism and states : History of US federalism, intergovernmental relations, models of federalism, decriminalizing medical Marijuana
State constitutions : Evolution of state constitutions, constitutional reforms and weaknesses, constitutional change, state responsiveness and constitutional reform
Citizen participation and elections : Election day law making, citizen access to government, volunteering, effects of citizen participation, butterfly ballots
Political parties, interest groups and campaigns : Political parties, interest groups, political campaigns
State legislature : Legislative dynamics, behavior, legislative cue taking, reforms and capacity, relationship with executive branch
Governors : Office of governor, formal/ informal powers, removal from office, Vigor US governors
Public administration-budgeting and service delivery : Public employees in state and local government, budgeting in state and local government, personnel policy in state and local government, politics of bureaucracy, quality of public administration
Judiciary : Structure of stet court systems, judicial decision making, judicial federalism, state court reform
Structure of local government : Orientations to communities, country government, municipal government, special districts, school districts, communities and governance
Local leadership and governance : Community power, local executives, legislatures, leadership and capacity
State-local relations : Distribution of authority, state-local organizations, metropolitics, states and urban policy, states and their rural communities, interaction of state and local governments
State and local finance : Revenues, political economy of taxation, borrowing and debt, state and local financial relations
Economic development : Regional differences in economic prosperity, approaches to economic development, politics of economic development, current initiatives, issues in economic development, implications of economic development policy
Educational policy : Crisis in education, intergovernmental roles in education, actors in education policy, educational innovation in States
Criminal justice : Crime, intergovernmental roles in criminal justice, criminal justice policy, policy participants interactions, correctional policy, policy alternatives for states and localities, continuing challenges in crime and corrections
Social welfare and health care policy : Poverty, current social welfare programs, state innovations in social welfare
Environmental policy : Political economy of environmental protection, intergovernmental relationships, solid waste management, hazardous waste, nuclear waste, environmental justice
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