Appropriation accounts
- Government of Kerala 2000-2001
- 287p
State legislature, heads of states, ministers and headquarters staff, administration of justice, elections, agricultural income tax and sales tax, land revenue, stamps and registration, excise, taxes onvehicles, debt charges, treasury and accounts, district administration and miscellaneous, police
Jails, stationery and printing and other administrative services, public works, pensions and miscellaneous, education, sports , arts and culture, medical and public health, family welfare, water supply and sanitation, housing, urban development
Information and publicity, labor and labor welfare, social welfare of scheduled castes/ scheduled tribes and other backward classes, relief on account of natural clalmities, co-operation, miscellaneous economic services, agricultural, food, animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries, forest, panchayat, community development, industries, irrigation, power, ports, transport, tourism, compensation and assignments, public debt repayment, miscellaneous loans and advances
343.034 / APP
State legislature, heads of states, ministers and headquarters staff, administration of justice, elections, agricultural income tax and sales tax, land revenue, stamps and registration, excise, taxes onvehicles, debt charges, treasury and accounts, district administration and miscellaneous, police
Jails, stationery and printing and other administrative services, public works, pensions and miscellaneous, education, sports , arts and culture, medical and public health, family welfare, water supply and sanitation, housing, urban development
Information and publicity, labor and labor welfare, social welfare of scheduled castes/ scheduled tribes and other backward classes, relief on account of natural clalmities, co-operation, miscellaneous economic services, agricultural, food, animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries, forest, panchayat, community development, industries, irrigation, power, ports, transport, tourism, compensation and assignments, public debt repayment, miscellaneous loans and advances
343.034 / APP