Custers Peter
Capital accumulation and women's labour in Asian economies - New Delhi Vistaar Publications 1997 - 401p
Industrial work for Women
Discourse on women's labour/ labor in historical perspective : Patriarchal bias of working class theoreticians - Marx and Proudhon, proletarian women's movement in Germany and women's labor, legacy of second feminist wave- debate on household labor revisited
Industrial work of women in Indian and Bangladesh : Home based women laborers in garment industry in west Bengal, wage slavery among women garment workers under factory system in Bangladesh, German feminist school and thesis of housewifization
Women's role as agricultural producers : Development feminism and peasant women's labor in Bangladesh, ecofeminist discourse in India, German feminist school and thesis of subsistence labor
Japanization and women's labor :japanese style of management and Fordism compared, Japanese women as a vast reserve army of labor, capital accumulation in contemporary Asia
women & labour
362.83 / CUS/C
Capital accumulation and women's labour in Asian economies - New Delhi Vistaar Publications 1997 - 401p
Industrial work for Women
Discourse on women's labour/ labor in historical perspective : Patriarchal bias of working class theoreticians - Marx and Proudhon, proletarian women's movement in Germany and women's labor, legacy of second feminist wave- debate on household labor revisited
Industrial work of women in Indian and Bangladesh : Home based women laborers in garment industry in west Bengal, wage slavery among women garment workers under factory system in Bangladesh, German feminist school and thesis of housewifization
Women's role as agricultural producers : Development feminism and peasant women's labor in Bangladesh, ecofeminist discourse in India, German feminist school and thesis of subsistence labor
Japanization and women's labor :japanese style of management and Fordism compared, Japanese women as a vast reserve army of labor, capital accumulation in contemporary Asia
women & labour
362.83 / CUS/C