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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Bhagwati Jagdish

Writings on international economics - New Delhi Oxford University Press 1997 - 619p


International economic relations.
Economic development.
Commercial policy.
Trade theory : Proofs of the theorems on comparative advantage, Protection, Real wages and real incomes, Theory of immiserizing growth
Trade polish : domestic distortions, tariffs and the theory of optimum subsidy, Shifting comparative advantage, protectionist demands and policy response, Directly unproductive, profit-seeking (DUP) activities, Quantitative restrictions and quotas in International trade, Regionalism vs multilateralism
India : Poverty and public policy, Socialism and Indian economic policy, Women in Indian elections
Brain drain, Foreign direct investment : International resource flow accounting, compensation, taxation and related policy proposals, International integration of market for professionals and unemployment, Investing abroad, International factor movements and national advantage, International factor mobility -Quid pro Quo foreign investment
Service : Cheaper service in Poor countries, Splintering and disembodiment of services and developing nations, Trade in service and the multilateral trade negotiations
Environment, labour standards and trade policy : Free trade and the environment, Trade liberalization and fair trade demands- Addressing the environmental and labour standards issues, Free trade and wages of the unskilled
Beyond economics- Politics, religion and History : Religion as DUP activity, Democracy and development, Shock treatment - Poland and the market economy, Diminished giant syndrome- How declinism drives trade policy, President Clinton vs Prime minister peel- Obsession with reciprocity

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