Source books on-farm conservation of seed diversity: A guide to conserving agricultural diversity
- Bangalore Green Foundation 1998
- 50p
Seed technology in India.
On farm conservation of seed diversity : Genetic erosion and need for collection and conservation, importance of conserving diversity on farmers fields, seed cleaning methods, seed drying, seed treatment, seed storage, testing for seed viability and grow outs, testing seed quality and seed production, seed harvesting and seed extraction, methods of breeding crop varieties, seed evaluation, characterization and multiplication, trial/ multiplication record, data on crops and related features in-situ farmers, pollination behavior of some crops
630 / GRE/O
Seed technology in India.
On farm conservation of seed diversity : Genetic erosion and need for collection and conservation, importance of conserving diversity on farmers fields, seed cleaning methods, seed drying, seed treatment, seed storage, testing for seed viability and grow outs, testing seed quality and seed production, seed harvesting and seed extraction, methods of breeding crop varieties, seed evaluation, characterization and multiplication, trial/ multiplication record, data on crops and related features in-situ farmers, pollination behavior of some crops
630 / GRE/O