Salkind Neil J
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics - London Sage Publications 2000 - 385p
Statistics: basic
Understanding average, variables
Computing correlation and coefficients
Linear regression
Testing the questions
Inferential statistics
t Test : test between the mean of different groups
Correlation coefficient
Non-parametric test
Statistical procedures
Statistical software sampler
10 best internet sites for statistics stuff
10 commandments of data collection
310 / SAL/S
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics - London Sage Publications 2000 - 385p
Statistics: basic
Understanding average, variables
Computing correlation and coefficients
Linear regression
Testing the questions
Inferential statistics
t Test : test between the mean of different groups
Correlation coefficient
Non-parametric test
Statistical procedures
Statistical software sampler
10 best internet sites for statistics stuff
10 commandments of data collection
310 / SAL/S