Thomas R Murray
Recent theories of human development - London Sage Publications 2001 - 311p.
Developmental psychology
Human Development
Mind Development
Social Movements
Extensions of tradition : Psychobiology, sociobiology, Neo-Darwinism, evolutionary psychology view of birth order, pride and shame, evolutionary roots of inhibition, gene- culture coevolution, connectionism and dynamic systems - characteristics of mind, classical cognitive science, Environmental/ ecological theories, activity and spatial cognition, making sense of immediate environments, influence of macro- environments, matching peersons and enviornments, elaborated set of cognitive development stages, socially constructed emotions, Vygotsky, cultural - historical perspective, microgenetic data gathering methods, holistic v/s analytic, models of interaction, individuals developing within family systems, relational theory of emotional development, selectivity in development, interaction between collaboration and expertise, potpourri of theories, determinism, indeterminism, lifespan personality development, physical play's contributions to development
Products of social movements : Postcolonialism, theories - philosophical and social climates, growing up in poverty, macro-micro model for studying poverty children, finacial support and children's well being, strain of living poor, ethnic minorities, racial identity, feminist perspectives, sexual orientations
361 / THO/R
Recent theories of human development - London Sage Publications 2001 - 311p.
Developmental psychology
Human Development
Mind Development
Social Movements
Extensions of tradition : Psychobiology, sociobiology, Neo-Darwinism, evolutionary psychology view of birth order, pride and shame, evolutionary roots of inhibition, gene- culture coevolution, connectionism and dynamic systems - characteristics of mind, classical cognitive science, Environmental/ ecological theories, activity and spatial cognition, making sense of immediate environments, influence of macro- environments, matching peersons and enviornments, elaborated set of cognitive development stages, socially constructed emotions, Vygotsky, cultural - historical perspective, microgenetic data gathering methods, holistic v/s analytic, models of interaction, individuals developing within family systems, relational theory of emotional development, selectivity in development, interaction between collaboration and expertise, potpourri of theories, determinism, indeterminism, lifespan personality development, physical play's contributions to development
Products of social movements : Postcolonialism, theories - philosophical and social climates, growing up in poverty, macro-micro model for studying poverty children, finacial support and children's well being, strain of living poor, ethnic minorities, racial identity, feminist perspectives, sexual orientations
361 / THO/R