• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Zoological Survey of India

Earthworm resources and vermiculture - Calcutta Zoological Survey of India 1993 - 128p.

Collection, preservation and study of earthworms, rearing and culturing earthworms, general morphology and characters of taxonomic importance, distribution pattern in Indian earthworms, chromosomal pattern in earthworm, soil macrofauna, earthworm resources of India and their utilization in vermiculture, population, biomass and secondary production in earthworms, reproductive biology in earthworms, earthworm gut contents and its significance, regenration, predators and parasites of earthworms, vermiculture- scope for new biotechnology, vermitechnology in India, selection of sustainable earthworm species for Vermicomposing under Indian conditions, soil organisms and their role in humification of organic matter, myriapods in relation to soil- their identification- collection and preservation

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