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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Kahkonen Satu

A new institutional approach to economic development - New Delhi Vistaar Publications 2001 - 353p.


Institutional economics.
Economic development.
Rich and poor countries, economic and political roots of technological inertia, economic institutions and development, dictatorship, democracy and development, war, state and growth in europe on eve of industrial revolution, Mancur Olson's analysis, affirmative action and reservation in American and indian labour markets, communities and development- Autarkic social groups and economy, economic development and jurisprudence of social norms, nature of institutional impediments to economic development
Application to India : Institutional impediments to economic development in India, institutional reform,economic development from a vision of labour perspective, cost of regulation in India, cooperative, conflict and economic development in India- analysis of farmers movement, public finance in India

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