Debroy Bibek
Intellectual property rights - Delhi B.R Publishing Corporation 1998 - 331p.
economic development
National policy
Uruguay round agreement- opportunities and challenges, intellectual property , developing countries and economic development, role of copyright in cultural and economic development of developing countries in Asia, Indian S& T in wake of GATT, farming of national policy on intellectual property
Intellectual property rights- geographical indications, trade secrets and integrated circuits, genetic diversity and Indian seed industry, bio diversity- promoting efficiency in conservation and equity in utilization, DNA fingerprinting of medical plants
346.048 / DEB/I
Intellectual property rights - Delhi B.R Publishing Corporation 1998 - 331p.
economic development
National policy
Uruguay round agreement- opportunities and challenges, intellectual property , developing countries and economic development, role of copyright in cultural and economic development of developing countries in Asia, Indian S& T in wake of GATT, farming of national policy on intellectual property
Intellectual property rights- geographical indications, trade secrets and integrated circuits, genetic diversity and Indian seed industry, bio diversity- promoting efficiency in conservation and equity in utilization, DNA fingerprinting of medical plants
346.048 / DEB/I