Feagin Joe R
The urban science: Myths and realities - USA Random House 1973 - 274p.
Urban Crisis
Cities and towns
Myth of Suburbia
Race and Migration
Urban Social Structure, Slums
Forms of Levittowners
Public Interest: Suburbia and the American Dream
Future of Ethnic Groups
Perspective on Poverty in America
Social Forces : The Lower-Class Value Stretch
Culture and Poverty
Empowering Poor and Reduce Inequality
black Americans in Urban Ghettos
Political Economy of the Black Ghetto
Middle-Income Negro Family Faces Urban Renewal
Struggle for Power in American Cities
Centralism v/s Decentralise
Community Control
Strategy of Social Futurism
307.76 / FEA/U
The urban science: Myths and realities - USA Random House 1973 - 274p.
Urban Crisis
Cities and towns
Myth of Suburbia
Race and Migration
Urban Social Structure, Slums
Forms of Levittowners
Public Interest: Suburbia and the American Dream
Future of Ethnic Groups
Perspective on Poverty in America
Social Forces : The Lower-Class Value Stretch
Culture and Poverty
Empowering Poor and Reduce Inequality
black Americans in Urban Ghettos
Political Economy of the Black Ghetto
Middle-Income Negro Family Faces Urban Renewal
Struggle for Power in American Cities
Centralism v/s Decentralise
Community Control
Strategy of Social Futurism
307.76 / FEA/U