Bhargava P.K
Current problems of Indian public finances - Mysore Geetha Book House 1974 - 193p
Intergovernmental fiscal relations in India.
Taxation in India.
Finance, Public in India.
Evolution of provincial finance in India, Centre state financial relations, Federal finance, Finance commission, Fiscal policy in the economic development of developing nations
Tax or taxation policy in a developing economy, Incentive taxation and investment , Agricultural taxation, land revenue and the agricultural sector, Abolition of land revenue, Raising agricultural tax, More Revenue from agriculture sector, Indian fourth five year plan, State's public debt
Sales tax, Orthodoxy in states budgeting for servicing of public debt, Public enterprises in UP, Financial administration with special reference to UP Incongruities in UP trades, professions, calling and employment tax
336 / BHA/C
Current problems of Indian public finances - Mysore Geetha Book House 1974 - 193p
Intergovernmental fiscal relations in India.
Taxation in India.
Finance, Public in India.
Evolution of provincial finance in India, Centre state financial relations, Federal finance, Finance commission, Fiscal policy in the economic development of developing nations
Tax or taxation policy in a developing economy, Incentive taxation and investment , Agricultural taxation, land revenue and the agricultural sector, Abolition of land revenue, Raising agricultural tax, More Revenue from agriculture sector, Indian fourth five year plan, State's public debt
Sales tax, Orthodoxy in states budgeting for servicing of public debt, Public enterprises in UP, Financial administration with special reference to UP Incongruities in UP trades, professions, calling and employment tax
336 / BHA/C