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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Basu K Pattanaik

Choice, welfare and development - New Delhi Oxford University Press 1999 - 343p


Sen, Amartya, in 1933-
Economics in India in History in 20th century.
Social choice.
Choice and welfare : Freedom and flexibility, capabilities, exclusion and supply of goods, walrasian equilibrium without survival- Existence, efficiency and remedial policy, rationalizing choice probabilities using random utility model, private information and shape of redistribution of frontier, majority rule, social welfare functions and game forms, symbolic utility, valued opinions or opinionated values - double aggregation problem
Welfare and development : Rational fools and co-operation in poor hydraulic economy, primary education and economic development in China and India
Children and intra household inequality- a theoretical analysis, entitlement approach to famine : an assessment, household vulnerability to aggregate shocks- differing fortunes of poor in Bangladesh and Indonesia, mass unemployment as social problem

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