Chathukulam Jose
Panchayat Rajum Sen Committiyum (Malayalam) - Kottayam Centre for Rural Management 1998 - 167p.
Panchayath Raj
Panchayati raj : History, philosophy, Kerala panchayat raj act 1994 and its limitations, recommendations of Sen committee, grama sabha, formation of panchayats, tax and income sources, planning authority, officials, Sen committee and women empowerment, government institutions
Excerpts from the final report of committee on decentralization of powers
352.0072 / CHA/P
Panchayat Rajum Sen Committiyum (Malayalam) - Kottayam Centre for Rural Management 1998 - 167p.
Panchayath Raj
Panchayati raj : History, philosophy, Kerala panchayat raj act 1994 and its limitations, recommendations of Sen committee, grama sabha, formation of panchayats, tax and income sources, planning authority, officials, Sen committee and women empowerment, government institutions
Excerpts from the final report of committee on decentralization of powers
352.0072 / CHA/P