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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Tomasevski Katarina

Women and human rights - London Zed Books 1993 - XIV, 162p


Women's rights.
Sex discrimination against women.
Women in Social conditions.
Unfinished History : Enter rights of man, conquering the right to vote, lessons from history- inclusion, seventy years of inter American system, slavery outlaws
From protection of motherhood to equal rights : family planning, equal rights and motherhood, towards responsible fatherhood
Education for empowerment : Access to education, education against discrimination
Challenging unequal rights : Closer look at marriage, property, women in human rights movement
Non-discrimination : Outlawing gender discrimination, eliminating discrimination- women at work
Readdressing inequalities : women in development, remedying consequences, women's projects, tackling causes, women's equal rights, right to health, women and AIDS
Protecting the most vulnerable : Imprisoned women, women refugees, disabled women
Righting wrongs : Traditional practices, violence against women, role of governments
Equal rights for all : UN, human rights on women's agenda, how UN human rights system works, violations of women's rights on human rights agenda, women's convention, CEDAW
Guidance for action : Equality for girl children, grassroot activities, human rights literacy, global mobilization for women's rights
women & law

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