Gopalan Sarala
Women in participatory development through mahila samajams : the Trivandrum experiment - Hyderabad National Institute of Rural Development - 199p
mahila samajams
Social economic scenario and new approach, Trivandrum experiment - Theme, from concept to implementation, social interventions, linkages established- new approach, impact of beneficiaries, women's perceptions - varying points of view
women empowerment
362.83 / GOP/W
Women in participatory development through mahila samajams : the Trivandrum experiment - Hyderabad National Institute of Rural Development - 199p
mahila samajams
Social economic scenario and new approach, Trivandrum experiment - Theme, from concept to implementation, social interventions, linkages established- new approach, impact of beneficiaries, women's perceptions - varying points of view
women empowerment
362.83 / GOP/W