Report of expert committee on OSR of rural local bodies
- India Ministry of Panchayati Raj 2023
- 248
Own source revenue for panchayats--GPDP--SWAMITVA scheme
Financial resources of panchayats
Historical evolution of OSR
Legal framework and state finance commission
Status of OSR collection
Best practices for augmentation of OSR
Analysis of OSR
Recommendations for augmentation of OSR
Capacity development framework
352.00722 / MIN/R
Own source revenue for panchayats--GPDP--SWAMITVA scheme
Financial resources of panchayats
Historical evolution of OSR
Legal framework and state finance commission
Status of OSR collection
Best practices for augmentation of OSR
Analysis of OSR
Recommendations for augmentation of OSR
Capacity development framework
352.00722 / MIN/R