Modern economic theory - New Delhi S Chand And Company Limited 2023 - 1000
Price theory or microeconomics: Nature and methodology of economics--Theory of demand--Theory of production--Product pricing--Factor pricing
Theory of income and employment or macro-economics: Social accounting--Theory of income determination--economic fluctuations
Money and banking:Monetary standerds and theory of money and prices--Banking
International economics:International trade theory--Balance of payments and international monetary system
Public finance:Public expenditure--Revenue--Taxation--Debt--Fiscal policy
Economic systems:Capitalism--Socialism--Mixed economy
Economics of development and planning:Economics of development --Development planning
Economics of welfare
330 / DEW/M
Modern economic theory - New Delhi S Chand And Company Limited 2023 - 1000
Price theory or microeconomics: Nature and methodology of economics--Theory of demand--Theory of production--Product pricing--Factor pricing
Theory of income and employment or macro-economics: Social accounting--Theory of income determination--economic fluctuations
Money and banking:Monetary standerds and theory of money and prices--Banking
International economics:International trade theory--Balance of payments and international monetary system
Public finance:Public expenditure--Revenue--Taxation--Debt--Fiscal policy
Economic systems:Capitalism--Socialism--Mixed economy
Economics of development and planning:Economics of development --Development planning
Economics of welfare
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