Handbook of agriculture:Facts and figures for farmers,students and all intrested in farming
- 6
- New Delhi Indian Council of Agricultural Research 2021
- 1617p.
Evolution of Indian national agricultural research system--Weather and agriculture--Agriculture and environment--Hill agriculture--Agrobiodiversity--Desertification and its control--Soils--Water resources--Land utilization--Soil and water conservation--Conservation technologies for sustaining natural resources--Water management and crop production
Watershed management--Irrigation and drainage management--Use of low quality water in crop production--Soil fertility,fertilizers and integrated nutrients use--Cropping patterns--Weed management--Diseases of crops--Apiculture--Biological control of crop pests--Insect pests and their management--Pesticide residues
Nematodes--Farm machinery--Farm power and energy in agriculture--Post harvest technology and storage--Marketing and trading--Farm management--Agricultural extension--Agricultural legislations--Field crops--Oil seeds crops--Commercial crops--Seed production and technology--Agroforestry--Forage crops and grasses--Indigenous technical knowledge in agriculture--Sericulture in India--Intellectual property rights--Crop biotechnology--Informatics in agriculture
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Evolution of Indian national agricultural research system--Weather and agriculture--Agriculture and environment--Hill agriculture--Agrobiodiversity--Desertification and its control--Soils--Water resources--Land utilization--Soil and water conservation--Conservation technologies for sustaining natural resources--Water management and crop production
Watershed management--Irrigation and drainage management--Use of low quality water in crop production--Soil fertility,fertilizers and integrated nutrients use--Cropping patterns--Weed management--Diseases of crops--Apiculture--Biological control of crop pests--Insect pests and their management--Pesticide residues
Nematodes--Farm machinery--Farm power and energy in agriculture--Post harvest technology and storage--Marketing and trading--Farm management--Agricultural extension--Agricultural legislations--Field crops--Oil seeds crops--Commercial crops--Seed production and technology--Agroforestry--Forage crops and grasses--Indigenous technical knowledge in agriculture--Sericulture in India--Intellectual property rights--Crop biotechnology--Informatics in agriculture
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