Joy Elamon
Ecosystem- Based Disaster Risk Reduction : A handbook for practitioners - Thrissur Kerala institute of Local Administration (KILA) 2022 - 126p.
Water harvesting structures : Types of water harvesting structures, contour trenches, stone pitched contour bunds, recharge pits, bench terracing, gully plugs and check dams, gabion structures, underground dykes, earthen dams, dug out farm ponds, rooftop rainwater harvesting and well recharging
River restoration activities : bank protection, stream barbs, vanes, bendway weirs, spur dike, stream bank soil bioengineering, log jams
Eco-restoration of abandoned quarries : Quarry restoration activities, mulching, carpeting with geotextiles, use of organic wastes and compost for remediation and restoration, seed mixtures of grass and legumes, vetiver system, block planting of tree saplings, high density tree planting/ afforestation, rainwater harvesting structures, pisciculture, aquaculture of flowering water plants, development of composite nurseries, biomass and bio energy development, farming system approach
Mountain hazard mitigation : measures for ecosystem based disaster risk reduction (Eco- DRR), hydroseeding, turfing, tree bushes planting (live transplanting), geotextiles, bamboo fencing, jute netting, use of coir netting, live crib wall, palisades, soft gabion retaining wall, sodding
Forest fire management : Eco-DRR interventions for forest fire management, construction of farm ponds, afforestation activities, creation of roads for connectivity
Coastal protection by mangroves
Drought resilient structures for arid landscapes : Drought resilient structures, slope area treatment contour trenches, earthen contour bunds, demi lunes/ semicircular contour bunds, drainage line treatment- loose bolder structures, gabion structure, check dams, slop- drainage treatment- spring box, subsurface - drainage treatment- subsurface dyke/ dams, sand dam, subsurface treatment - managed aquifer recharge traditional structure to augment drought resilience in arid landscapes
Urban flood mitigation and stormwater management : Urban flood mitigation interventions, green roofs, pervious pavement, rainwater harvesting systems, rain garden's - bioretention basin, infiltration trenches and beds, infiltration basins, vegetated swales, bioretention swales, constructed wetlands
Costing of the approach, monitoring and evaluation, GIS application for EC)-DRR
363.34 / JOY/E JUL 2022
Ecosystem- Based Disaster Risk Reduction : A handbook for practitioners - Thrissur Kerala institute of Local Administration (KILA) 2022 - 126p.
Water harvesting structures : Types of water harvesting structures, contour trenches, stone pitched contour bunds, recharge pits, bench terracing, gully plugs and check dams, gabion structures, underground dykes, earthen dams, dug out farm ponds, rooftop rainwater harvesting and well recharging
River restoration activities : bank protection, stream barbs, vanes, bendway weirs, spur dike, stream bank soil bioengineering, log jams
Eco-restoration of abandoned quarries : Quarry restoration activities, mulching, carpeting with geotextiles, use of organic wastes and compost for remediation and restoration, seed mixtures of grass and legumes, vetiver system, block planting of tree saplings, high density tree planting/ afforestation, rainwater harvesting structures, pisciculture, aquaculture of flowering water plants, development of composite nurseries, biomass and bio energy development, farming system approach
Mountain hazard mitigation : measures for ecosystem based disaster risk reduction (Eco- DRR), hydroseeding, turfing, tree bushes planting (live transplanting), geotextiles, bamboo fencing, jute netting, use of coir netting, live crib wall, palisades, soft gabion retaining wall, sodding
Forest fire management : Eco-DRR interventions for forest fire management, construction of farm ponds, afforestation activities, creation of roads for connectivity
Coastal protection by mangroves
Drought resilient structures for arid landscapes : Drought resilient structures, slope area treatment contour trenches, earthen contour bunds, demi lunes/ semicircular contour bunds, drainage line treatment- loose bolder structures, gabion structure, check dams, slop- drainage treatment- spring box, subsurface - drainage treatment- subsurface dyke/ dams, sand dam, subsurface treatment - managed aquifer recharge traditional structure to augment drought resilience in arid landscapes
Urban flood mitigation and stormwater management : Urban flood mitigation interventions, green roofs, pervious pavement, rainwater harvesting systems, rain garden's - bioretention basin, infiltration trenches and beds, infiltration basins, vegetated swales, bioretention swales, constructed wetlands
Costing of the approach, monitoring and evaluation, GIS application for EC)-DRR
363.34 / JOY/E JUL 2022