Uchimura, Hiroko
Fiscal Decentralization and Development : Experiences of Three Developing Countries in Southeast Asia - New York Palgrave Macmillan 2012 - 207p.
Book issued by Sixth State Finance Commission for safe keeping and future reference.
Broder view of fiscal decentralization in developing countries, fiscal decentralization in Philippines after the 1991 code- intergovernmental fiscal relationships and roles of fiscal transfer, health development in decentralized health system of Philippines- impact of local health expenditures on health, intergovernmental fiscal relationships in Vietnam after 2002 state budget law- center-province and province- district commune dimensions, diversity of fiscal decentralization below provincial lev el and its relation to development in Vietnam- do more decentralized provinces improve health and economic equity, decentralization and economic development in Thailand- regional disparities in fiscal capacity and educational decentralization
336.014 / UCH/F
Fiscal Decentralization and Development : Experiences of Three Developing Countries in Southeast Asia - New York Palgrave Macmillan 2012 - 207p.
Book issued by Sixth State Finance Commission for safe keeping and future reference.
Broder view of fiscal decentralization in developing countries, fiscal decentralization in Philippines after the 1991 code- intergovernmental fiscal relationships and roles of fiscal transfer, health development in decentralized health system of Philippines- impact of local health expenditures on health, intergovernmental fiscal relationships in Vietnam after 2002 state budget law- center-province and province- district commune dimensions, diversity of fiscal decentralization below provincial lev el and its relation to development in Vietnam- do more decentralized provinces improve health and economic equity, decentralization and economic development in Thailand- regional disparities in fiscal capacity and educational decentralization
336.014 / UCH/F