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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Frank, Jonas Vazquez, Jorge Martinez

Decentralization and Infrastructure in the Global Economy : From Gaps to solutions - New York Routledge 2020 - 461p.

Book issued by Sixth State Finance Commission for safe keeping and future reference.


Decentralization and infrastructure
Measuring infrastructure gaps- quantity and quality perspectives : Infrastructure gap and decentralization, trends and quality of decentralized public investment
Fundamentals in flux- functions, finance and equalization for decentralized public investment : Principles and practice, financing infrastructure, capital infrastructure and equity objectives in decentralized systems
Sectoral perspectives : Investing in Health infrastructure - how decentralization matters, educational infrastructure, school construction and decentralization in developing countries- key issues for an understudied area, rural roads- challenges of decentralized implementation
Investing into invisible- management and coordination of decentralized public investment : Challenge of operating and maintaining infrastructure, multi-tier monitoring of infrastructure, coordination of infrastructure investment across levels of government
Political economy and corruption challenges : Political economy of local infrastructure planning, decentralized provision of public infrastructure and corruption
Infrastructure- economics, public investements, decentralization in government, intergovernmental fiscal relations

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