• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

The Employee's provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions act 1952 (19 of 1952) as Amended by (S.O. 1513 (E), Dated 18-5-2020) - Delhi Professional Book Publishers - 271p.

Employees provident funds scheme 1952 as amended by employees provident funds (Amended ) scheme 2020 (G.S.R 225(E), dated 27-3-2020)
Employees pension scheme 1995 as amended by the employees pension (Amendment) scheme, 2020 (G.S.R 132 (E), dated 20-2-2020) Employee's deposit -linked insurance scheme 1976, tribunal (procedure) rules 1997
Employees provident fund organization (multitasking staff) recruitment rules 2011 and notifications
Employees provident funds and miscellaneous provisions act 1952
Employees provident funds scheme 1952 :Board of trustees executive committee and regional committees, appoinment and powers of commissioner and other staff of board of trustees, membership of the fund, contributions, declaration, contribution cards and returns, administration of fund, accounts and audit, nominations payments withdrawals from fund
Employees pension scheme 1995, employees deposit -linked insurance scheme 1976, tribunal (procedure) rules 1997
Employees provident fund organization (multi-tasking staff) recruitment rules 2011 , contribution of employees and employers after revision in wage ceiling, formulation for calculating the contribution of employees and employers to employees provident fund, notifications, list of amending acts

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