EWS : The Quota to End All Quotas - Ambedkar Age Collective
- Hyderabad The Shared Mirror Publishing House 2021
- 144p.
Reservation in India, Economic criteria in reservation, republic reservations, cast system, upper cast reservation, 124th amendment and politics of retrieving slipping votes, elimination of reservation, Crumbling social justice and need for representative higher judiciary, 10% EWS and educational rights of Pasmanda and Bahujan Children, OBC-Dalit groups and reservation
379.2 / EWS
Reservation in India, Economic criteria in reservation, republic reservations, cast system, upper cast reservation, 124th amendment and politics of retrieving slipping votes, elimination of reservation, Crumbling social justice and need for representative higher judiciary, 10% EWS and educational rights of Pasmanda and Bahujan Children, OBC-Dalit groups and reservation
379.2 / EWS