Joy Elamon
Athidharidhrare Kandethal Prakriya : Web Portal, Mobile Application Enniva Upayogikunathinulla Nirdheshangal : Kaipusthakam - Thrissur KILA 2021 - 23p.
Set by process of finding the poorest in the society using ICT, web portal, mobile application, handbook
362.57 / JOY/A
Athidharidhrare Kandethal Prakriya : Web Portal, Mobile Application Enniva Upayogikunathinulla Nirdheshangal : Kaipusthakam - Thrissur KILA 2021 - 23p.
Set by process of finding the poorest in the society using ICT, web portal, mobile application, handbook
362.57 / JOY/A