Elamon, Joy
Navakeralathinayi Block Panchayatukal : 5 Social welfare , Service and Centrally sponsored schemes (Block Panchayat Janaprathinithikalkuvendiyulla kaipusthakam) - Thrissur Kerala institute of local administration (KILA) 2020 - 118p.
Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe development
Child development
NavaKeralam programmes
Block panchayath level welfare activities
Community health centre (CHC)
Schemes introduced by the centre
സ്വച്ഛ് ഭാരത് മിഷൻ
മഹാത്മാ ഗാന്ധി ദേശിയ ഗ്രാമീണ തൊഴിലുറപ്പു പദ്ധതി
361.6 / JOY/S
Navakeralathinayi Block Panchayatukal : 5 Social welfare , Service and Centrally sponsored schemes (Block Panchayat Janaprathinithikalkuvendiyulla kaipusthakam) - Thrissur Kerala institute of local administration (KILA) 2020 - 118p.
Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe development
Child development
NavaKeralam programmes
Block panchayath level welfare activities
Community health centre (CHC)
Schemes introduced by the centre
സ്വച്ഛ് ഭാരത് മിഷൻ
മഹാത്മാ ഗാന്ധി ദേശിയ ഗ്രാമീണ തൊഴിലുറപ്പു പദ്ധതി
361.6 / JOY/S