Elamon, Joy
Navakeralathinayi Gramapanchayathukal : 1 Public Administration ( Gramapanchayath Janaprathinidhikalkuvendiyulla Kaipusthakam) - Thrissur Kerala institute of local administration (KILA) 2020 - 211p.
Local governing system
73re and 74th constitutional amendments
Decentralization in Kerala
Local government and related institutional
Thrithala panchayat
functions and responsibilities of panchayat
Elected representatives functions and responsibilities
Pachayat meeting proceedings
350 / JOY/P
Navakeralathinayi Gramapanchayathukal : 1 Public Administration ( Gramapanchayath Janaprathinidhikalkuvendiyulla Kaipusthakam) - Thrissur Kerala institute of local administration (KILA) 2020 - 211p.
Local governing system
73re and 74th constitutional amendments
Decentralization in Kerala
Local government and related institutional
Thrithala panchayat
functions and responsibilities of panchayat
Elected representatives functions and responsibilities
Pachayat meeting proceedings
350 / JOY/P