Shyjan D (editor)
Development and Resilience among Dalits in India : Understanding Diversity Between and Within States (Dr John matthai Memorial National Conference January 2020 - Abstracts ) - Thrissur Department of Economics , Dr,John matthai Centre, Thrissur 2020 - 87p.
Socio-economical status of Dalits in Indian
Education and Schooling among Dalits : age and educational alignment among tribal children, Inclusive development, Dalit girl students Understanding the disadvantaged group students issues under the section 12(1)(c) of right to education act in private schools, Status of education in tribal ladakh, Literacy trends and schooling among the scheduled castes, Dalit PhD scholars access to E-Grants
Poverty and inequality among dalits : Caste and income inequality, rural infrastructure and facilities for tribals, Denotified tribals of Kerala, Poverty and inequality of dalits in urban sanitation and social and religious groups in India, Naxalite movement in Odisha,Residential segregation of dalits, Effect of climate change on Dalits, Folkloristic approach of the environmental sustainability from the traditional knowledge system of Oranos : In the light of SDGs
Gender and atrocities against dalits : Dalit women, Inclusion, Inverting existing social realities and forging counter-hierarchies in the dalit narratives of bihar, Intergenerational social mobility among the dalits and role of caste and gender interaction , Dalit atrocities, low conviction a role of police administration, Aesthetics of dalit resistance in Bama's Karukku and Sangati
Content and context of hind religious Components among Neo-Buddhist families in Mumbai, Choices of higher education and situation of employment mobility among dalit women, Dalit feminist stream in the folk songs in kerala
Land reforms, displacement and dalits : Effects of land alienation and land degradation on tribal livelihood and demographic extermination in the attappady, Panchami land and dalits in Tamil Nadu, Tribal land ownership , land inequality and agricultural production in Kerala, Conflict over plantation land in Kerala, Displacement in river valley projects in India, natural disasters and its impact on the indigenous communities
Literature Cinema and theatre among Dalits : Sivasami's resilience over the decade, Representation and depiction of dalit in Indian cinemas, Need of a mainstream media for the marginalised, Dalit writing and literature, Life of panther and dalit cinema in Tamil Nadu, Therapeutic writing and resistance in Bama's and Alice Walker's selected novels , AAYDAN- Testimonial of lived dalit experience, patronage and performing arts, Subaltern life and art as source for contemporary theatre, Study on internal colonisation in Indian writing in English, Identifying dalits in Malayalam neo-liberal stage and screen
Class and cultural history : caste among dalits, Studt on Koraga tribes in Kasaragod, Socio-cultural conditions of Cholanaikkan tribes of Kerala, Socio-historical study of namasudra dalit in Bengal, Study in Nepali dalit communities of Darjeeling, Psychology of caste in India, Market-an economic product or a cultural artifact : a study based on GDP of Subaltern culture
Spatial aspects of labour : caste networks and entrepreneurship : a case of unfavourable inclusion in Indian MSME, Problems for dalits in self-own business and role of dalit Indian chamber of commerce and industry, Caste, rural non-farm employment and the quest for dignity, Dalits in Employment scenario, Access to credit by scheduled caste entrepreneurs, Dalit enterprises in India, Migration of dalits and occupational mobility
Decentralisation and Dalits : Dalit welfare programme in Kerala, Dalit women representation in panchayaths, Elected presidents of dalits, Social movements perspective of democratic decentralisation in India, Role of Kudumbasree in dalit women empowerment, Elected dalit, Utilization of TSP funds, Tribal development- Issues of tribal sun plan allocation and utilization in Kerala
Informality and vulnerability among dalits : Broom maker matang women;s cultural history, Seasonal migration of scheduled tribes in Tamil Nadu, Inter-generational occupational mobility among the major tribal communities in Kerala, caste, labour mobilization and ascendency in fireworks industry in Sivakasi, Migration of dalits for economic upliftment, Dalit women in sanitation occupation and their poverty and occupational marginality, Irular fishers of Pichavaram in Tamil Nadu
Dalit representation, finance commission and financial inclusion initiatives : development , politics and social space, Role of financial assistance schemes in educational development of scheduled castes, Educational expenditure in India and marginalised community, Reservation policy under NDA in India
Health and S006Fcial Capital : Socio-economic background of schedule caste students, Infant and under five mortality among dalits, Education and health status of the tribal women in Kerala, Human development Index (HDI) and social inclusion in India, Unjust variable in the Health status of Indian population, Women health status among the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in India, Deprivation of health care services among tribal children, Caste based Social exclusion and health outcomes, Intersection of disability with dalit identity
Vimukta Jathi
വിമുക്ത ജാതി
305.568 / SHY/D
Development and Resilience among Dalits in India : Understanding Diversity Between and Within States (Dr John matthai Memorial National Conference January 2020 - Abstracts ) - Thrissur Department of Economics , Dr,John matthai Centre, Thrissur 2020 - 87p.
Socio-economical status of Dalits in Indian
Education and Schooling among Dalits : age and educational alignment among tribal children, Inclusive development, Dalit girl students Understanding the disadvantaged group students issues under the section 12(1)(c) of right to education act in private schools, Status of education in tribal ladakh, Literacy trends and schooling among the scheduled castes, Dalit PhD scholars access to E-Grants
Poverty and inequality among dalits : Caste and income inequality, rural infrastructure and facilities for tribals, Denotified tribals of Kerala, Poverty and inequality of dalits in urban sanitation and social and religious groups in India, Naxalite movement in Odisha,Residential segregation of dalits, Effect of climate change on Dalits, Folkloristic approach of the environmental sustainability from the traditional knowledge system of Oranos : In the light of SDGs
Gender and atrocities against dalits : Dalit women, Inclusion, Inverting existing social realities and forging counter-hierarchies in the dalit narratives of bihar, Intergenerational social mobility among the dalits and role of caste and gender interaction , Dalit atrocities, low conviction a role of police administration, Aesthetics of dalit resistance in Bama's Karukku and Sangati
Content and context of hind religious Components among Neo-Buddhist families in Mumbai, Choices of higher education and situation of employment mobility among dalit women, Dalit feminist stream in the folk songs in kerala
Land reforms, displacement and dalits : Effects of land alienation and land degradation on tribal livelihood and demographic extermination in the attappady, Panchami land and dalits in Tamil Nadu, Tribal land ownership , land inequality and agricultural production in Kerala, Conflict over plantation land in Kerala, Displacement in river valley projects in India, natural disasters and its impact on the indigenous communities
Literature Cinema and theatre among Dalits : Sivasami's resilience over the decade, Representation and depiction of dalit in Indian cinemas, Need of a mainstream media for the marginalised, Dalit writing and literature, Life of panther and dalit cinema in Tamil Nadu, Therapeutic writing and resistance in Bama's and Alice Walker's selected novels , AAYDAN- Testimonial of lived dalit experience, patronage and performing arts, Subaltern life and art as source for contemporary theatre, Study on internal colonisation in Indian writing in English, Identifying dalits in Malayalam neo-liberal stage and screen
Class and cultural history : caste among dalits, Studt on Koraga tribes in Kasaragod, Socio-cultural conditions of Cholanaikkan tribes of Kerala, Socio-historical study of namasudra dalit in Bengal, Study in Nepali dalit communities of Darjeeling, Psychology of caste in India, Market-an economic product or a cultural artifact : a study based on GDP of Subaltern culture
Spatial aspects of labour : caste networks and entrepreneurship : a case of unfavourable inclusion in Indian MSME, Problems for dalits in self-own business and role of dalit Indian chamber of commerce and industry, Caste, rural non-farm employment and the quest for dignity, Dalits in Employment scenario, Access to credit by scheduled caste entrepreneurs, Dalit enterprises in India, Migration of dalits and occupational mobility
Decentralisation and Dalits : Dalit welfare programme in Kerala, Dalit women representation in panchayaths, Elected presidents of dalits, Social movements perspective of democratic decentralisation in India, Role of Kudumbasree in dalit women empowerment, Elected dalit, Utilization of TSP funds, Tribal development- Issues of tribal sun plan allocation and utilization in Kerala
Informality and vulnerability among dalits : Broom maker matang women;s cultural history, Seasonal migration of scheduled tribes in Tamil Nadu, Inter-generational occupational mobility among the major tribal communities in Kerala, caste, labour mobilization and ascendency in fireworks industry in Sivakasi, Migration of dalits for economic upliftment, Dalit women in sanitation occupation and their poverty and occupational marginality, Irular fishers of Pichavaram in Tamil Nadu
Dalit representation, finance commission and financial inclusion initiatives : development , politics and social space, Role of financial assistance schemes in educational development of scheduled castes, Educational expenditure in India and marginalised community, Reservation policy under NDA in India
Health and S006Fcial Capital : Socio-economic background of schedule caste students, Infant and under five mortality among dalits, Education and health status of the tribal women in Kerala, Human development Index (HDI) and social inclusion in India, Unjust variable in the Health status of Indian population, Women health status among the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in India, Deprivation of health care services among tribal children, Caste based Social exclusion and health outcomes, Intersection of disability with dalit identity
Vimukta Jathi
വിമുക്ത ജാതി
305.568 / SHY/D