Navakeralathinayi Nagarasabhakal :1 Public Administration ( Nagarsabha janaprathinithikalkulla Kaipusthakam) - Thrissur Kerala institute of local administration 2020 - 168p.
Indian democracy and local governments
Urban government
Duties of a municipality
Municipal comities
Duties of public representative
Office Management
Judiciary and solving public problems
Right to information and services
Anti poverty sub plan
Area development society (ADS)
Community development society (CDS)
Information Kerala mission
Kerala institute of local administration
350 / JOY/P DEC 2020
Navakeralathinayi Nagarasabhakal :1 Public Administration ( Nagarsabha janaprathinithikalkulla Kaipusthakam) - Thrissur Kerala institute of local administration 2020 - 168p.
Indian democracy and local governments
Urban government
Duties of a municipality
Municipal comities
Duties of public representative
Office Management
Judiciary and solving public problems
Right to information and services
Anti poverty sub plan
Area development society (ADS)
Community development society (CDS)
Information Kerala mission
Kerala institute of local administration
350 / JOY/P DEC 2020