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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Gupta Anil K

Designing an accessible and accountable administrative system: Why do not people protest; a case study of grievance redressal in a drought prone district - New Delhi IBH Publishing Co 1992 - XIII, 150p


Drought Prone Areas Programme.
Droughts in India.
Agriculture in India.
Dynamics of articulation and responses : response model, dominance and behaviorism, responsiveness of administration in backward region
Accessibility and accountability of administration : Citizen and administration relationship, accessibility of administrative systems, accountability of administrative system, seasonality of public grievances, distribution of complaints, satisfaction of citizens
Redressal of grievances- purpose and process : Central and state level, mobilization of grievances at district level, public grievances redressal system at district level, working of grievance redressal cell in Ahmednagar district, grievance redressal cells at taluka level, district grievance committee meetings
Area of study and methodology
Responsiveness of administration : Indifferent sarpanch- right to recall , political interference administrative apathy and repeated failure to get the problem solved, protest backlash, poverty, employment and proper search, EGS, farmers cheated by Talati
Ecology of articulation: Spatial, seasonal and sectoral dimensions, public policy, land revenue administration, grievance redressal in drought prone regions, continual administrative reforms, organizing people and strengthening consumer movements, long term plans for project affected people

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