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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Desai S.S.M

International economics: International economic relations - Bombay Himalaya Publishing 1990 - 335p

Scope of international economics : Coverage of international economics
Characteristics features on international trade : definition of international trade, Definition of regional trade
Classical theory of international trade : Pre-classical theory of international trade, Physiocracy on international trade, Adam Smiths theory of absolute cost difference, David Ricardo's theory of comparative cost advantage, Assumptions/ Criticism of the classical (Ricardian) theory of international trade, J.S Mill's theory of reciprocal demand
Haberler's opportunity cost theory of international trade
Heckscher -Ohlin's theory of international trade : Criticism of Samuelson's theory of factor price equalisation, Leontief paradox
Terms of trade : Factors influencing terms of trade, Economic welfare
Balance of trade and balance of payments : Current account and capital account
Gold standard : Disequilibrium in balance of payment
Purchasing power parity theory : Foreign exchange rate
Foreign exchange rates policy : Fixed or pegged vs flexible foreign exchange rates
Policy of exchange control
Measures to correct balance of payments disequilibrium : export promotion, Import promotion, Deflation, Devaluation or depreciation , Commercial policy
Free trade- Case for and against
Tariffs and import quotas
Commercial policy and economic developed of less developed countries : making terms of trade more favourable, Accelerating rate of saving and investment, Attracting foreign capital, Infant industry argument, Promotion of external economics, Commercial policy and factor redistribution, Commercial policy and balance of payments of LDCs
Forging capital and developing countries : Economic development, Tied and united foreign capital, MNCs and developing countries
International cooperation : Marshall aid plan, Colombo plan, Regional economic associations, New world economic order, Brandt commission
International bank for reconstruction and development : IBRD or the world bank,
International monetary fund : IMF , Special drawing rights (SDERs), Critical assessment of IMF's role and functioning, International liquidity, International development association (IDA), International finance corporation (IFC) and the Asian development bank (ADB)
Regional economic cooperation : Theory of customs union, European economic community (EEC), European free trade association (EFTA)
General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) and the united nations conference on trade and development (UNCTAD)
International trade and economic development : Immiserising growth, state trading
Gains from international trade : Advantages/ Profit of International trade
India's international trade : Volume of Indian's foreign trade, India's commodity exports, India's import, Direction/ source of Indian's commodity export, Indian's balance of trade position, India's balance of trade position, Role of foreign capital and technology in India's economic development, Foreign debt, Potentialities of modern technology and Japanese economic miracle

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