Kalbagh Chetana
Women and development: Policies and plan strategies for women's development - New Delhi Discovery Publishing House 1991 - XI, 358p
Women in development in India.
Women in India in Social conditions.
Women in agriculture in India. -- Women in rural development in India. -- Women in agriculture. -- Women and agrarian struggle, women in agriculture- their conditions of work, rural women's struggles towards self reliance- case study from Punjab, education and research in Enhancing rural women's income and household happiness, technology for reducing drudgery for rural women, women and work in livestock economy -- Facilitating women's work through science and technology education in rural India, women agricultural workers of bharatpur district- educational camp, sericulture- employment oriented agro-industry for rural women, technology and extension support for poor rural women- case of Tassar silk rearing, exploitation of women labour/labor employment in Kerala, sathumadurai women's dairy cooperative, decision making of farm women under adverse conditions in Haryana, technological change- labour/labor and women's employment in fishing sector, women's contribution to family income in Puttipadar -- Women in silk industry of Bengal, women and Chipko movement
women empowerment
362.83 / KAL/W
Women and development: Policies and plan strategies for women's development - New Delhi Discovery Publishing House 1991 - XI, 358p
Women in development in India.
Women in India in Social conditions.
Women in agriculture in India. -- Women in rural development in India. -- Women in agriculture. -- Women and agrarian struggle, women in agriculture- their conditions of work, rural women's struggles towards self reliance- case study from Punjab, education and research in Enhancing rural women's income and household happiness, technology for reducing drudgery for rural women, women and work in livestock economy -- Facilitating women's work through science and technology education in rural India, women agricultural workers of bharatpur district- educational camp, sericulture- employment oriented agro-industry for rural women, technology and extension support for poor rural women- case of Tassar silk rearing, exploitation of women labour/labor employment in Kerala, sathumadurai women's dairy cooperative, decision making of farm women under adverse conditions in Haryana, technological change- labour/labor and women's employment in fishing sector, women's contribution to family income in Puttipadar -- Women in silk industry of Bengal, women and Chipko movement
women empowerment
362.83 / KAL/W