Maheshwari Shriram
Administrative reform in India - New Delhi Jawahar Publishers & Distributors 1993 - XIII, 239p.
Administrative reform in developing countries, political leadership and commitment, strategy of administrative reforms
Public administration
Indian background : limitations, goals under Panchayati raj, administration and constituent assembly
Political parties administrative reform : Indian national congress, Indian national congress (O), Swatantra party, socialist party, Praja socialist party, communist party of India, Janata party
Major administrative reforms during British rule, independent India- tumultuous time, exodus of British and Muslim officers, N.Gopalaswami Ayyangar, planning commission, administrative reform commission, commission on central state relations, fourth central pay commission, committee to review the scheme of civil services examination, pay commission, planning commission, parliamentary committee
Sources of administrative reform in India : Political processes, administrative reform committees, central reform agency
First phase 1947-54 : Administrative situation, Sardar Patel, public administration following independence, secretariate reorganization committee, economy committee, machinery of government, improvement of efficiency, planning, estimates committee, community development program
Second phase 1954-64 : Officer's shortage committee, Gopalaswami Ayyangar committee, Gorwala report, Paul Appleby report, O & M organization, committee on administration, impact of planning and parliamentary leadership
Third phase 1964-66 : Parliamentary leadership, inquiry against Pratap Singh kairon, informal; group of twenty on administrative reforms, committee o prevention of corruption, department of administrative reform
Fourth phase 1966-70 : Administrative reform commission, machinery of government of India and its procedures of work, personnel administration, state administration
Fifth Phase 1970 on wards : Reforms in public administration, rise of management, training, follow up on ARC, reform during emergency, Kothari scheme of competitive examination, commission on center state relations, committee on civil service examination, engineers and doctors in IAS and other higher services
Implementation : Interests of political executive, bureaucracy resistance
Some distinguishing features : Three source of administrative reform, central government's leadership, advantages and limitations of center's activist role, lack of political commitment, role of bureaucracy, training institutions
Insights from Indian experience : Dynamics of administrative reform in developing countries, need for a more pervasive interest and well defined strategy, advisability of nodal approach, lessons from ARC, attributes of administrative reforms in India
Challenges of modernization of colonial administration, attempts at administrative reform, center, state and local
Agenda for future : Administrative reformer's question paper, lack of commitment at top, VIPism, corruption, civil service unionization
351.0073 / MAH/A
Administrative reform in India - New Delhi Jawahar Publishers & Distributors 1993 - XIII, 239p.
Administrative reform in developing countries, political leadership and commitment, strategy of administrative reforms
Public administration
Indian background : limitations, goals under Panchayati raj, administration and constituent assembly
Political parties administrative reform : Indian national congress, Indian national congress (O), Swatantra party, socialist party, Praja socialist party, communist party of India, Janata party
Major administrative reforms during British rule, independent India- tumultuous time, exodus of British and Muslim officers, N.Gopalaswami Ayyangar, planning commission, administrative reform commission, commission on central state relations, fourth central pay commission, committee to review the scheme of civil services examination, pay commission, planning commission, parliamentary committee
Sources of administrative reform in India : Political processes, administrative reform committees, central reform agency
First phase 1947-54 : Administrative situation, Sardar Patel, public administration following independence, secretariate reorganization committee, economy committee, machinery of government, improvement of efficiency, planning, estimates committee, community development program
Second phase 1954-64 : Officer's shortage committee, Gopalaswami Ayyangar committee, Gorwala report, Paul Appleby report, O & M organization, committee on administration, impact of planning and parliamentary leadership
Third phase 1964-66 : Parliamentary leadership, inquiry against Pratap Singh kairon, informal; group of twenty on administrative reforms, committee o prevention of corruption, department of administrative reform
Fourth phase 1966-70 : Administrative reform commission, machinery of government of India and its procedures of work, personnel administration, state administration
Fifth Phase 1970 on wards : Reforms in public administration, rise of management, training, follow up on ARC, reform during emergency, Kothari scheme of competitive examination, commission on center state relations, committee on civil service examination, engineers and doctors in IAS and other higher services
Implementation : Interests of political executive, bureaucracy resistance
Some distinguishing features : Three source of administrative reform, central government's leadership, advantages and limitations of center's activist role, lack of political commitment, role of bureaucracy, training institutions
Insights from Indian experience : Dynamics of administrative reform in developing countries, need for a more pervasive interest and well defined strategy, advisability of nodal approach, lessons from ARC, attributes of administrative reforms in India
Challenges of modernization of colonial administration, attempts at administrative reform, center, state and local
Agenda for future : Administrative reformer's question paper, lack of commitment at top, VIPism, corruption, civil service unionization
351.0073 / MAH/A