Urban Governance Study: phase 1 states key findings
- New Delhi Praja
- 36p.
Urban governance in India
Cities and towns
74th Constitutional amendment
Praja foundation
Typology of 18 functions
Status of devolution of 18 functions
Reflections of reforms needed
City government , composition and functions
Mayoral system
Role of councillor
Ward committees, multiple agencies, urban schemes: smart city mission,resources, reflections of reforms needed
Municipal finance
Budget and source of revenue, state finance commission status, challenges specific to municipal finance, reflection of reforms needed
320.85 / URB
Urban governance in India
Cities and towns
74th Constitutional amendment
Praja foundation
Typology of 18 functions
Status of devolution of 18 functions
Reflections of reforms needed
City government , composition and functions
Mayoral system
Role of councillor
Ward committees, multiple agencies, urban schemes: smart city mission,resources, reflections of reforms needed
Municipal finance
Budget and source of revenue, state finance commission status, challenges specific to municipal finance, reflection of reforms needed
320.85 / URB