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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue


Environment ,Climate Change and Disaster Management - New Delhi New Century publications 2017 - 251 p.


Climate Change in India
Disaster Mitigation and management
Environmental pollution(Water,Air,Noise)and Environmental Protection
Urbanisation and Environment
Environment and development- conflict and balance, India's environmental resources and problems, legal provisions and industrial framework for environmental protection, NGT, MoEFCC, CPCB, SPCBs, land and soil degradation
Water resources and pollution, air and noise pollution, NWP, climate change and uncertainty in water availability, forest resources and conservation, forest policy 1988, joint forest management JFM, mineral exploration/ exploitations and environment
Protection of biological diversity, urbanization and environment, rural development and environment, women and environment, global climate change, climate change and India, NAPCC, ozone layer protection
Disaster mitigation and management, NDRF, NIDM, disaster management and five year plan, policy initiatives for environmental protection, CREP 20003, CEPI, recognition of environmental laboratories under environment protection act 1986, industrial pollution abatement through preventive strategies, hazardous waste management, fiscal incentives and education for environmental protection

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