PattigaJathi Sankethangaludeyum Kudumbangaludeyum Adisthana Vivara Sekharanam (2009 - 2010 ) - JillaThala Pattikakal- kottayam
- Thiruvanathapuram Thadesha Swayambharana Vakuppu 2011
- 123p.
Statistical information about the Scheduled caste in Kottayam : Population, oorukal, ഊരുകൾ, education, employment and income, health, basic amenities, land ownership, dependance on forest, social security, social development
305.56 / JIL/K
Statistical information about the Scheduled caste in Kottayam : Population, oorukal, ഊരുകൾ, education, employment and income, health, basic amenities, land ownership, dependance on forest, social security, social development
305.56 / JIL/K