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Jahnvi Andharia Madhuri, NV Nilanjana Sengupta

Indicators for gender - responsive governance - Hyderabad NIRDPR 2018 - 68

Need for gender sensitive indicators for governance
Review of literature on Indices : Social indicators, composite indicators, governance indicators, gender sensitive indicators, arriving at gender sensitive indicators for governance, some gender based indicators t global level, regional level gender indices, some examples of sub national composite indices in India, gender vulnerability index, district development and diversity index report- DDDi, gram panchayat human development index, other indices at sub national level, review of sub national indices
Background of proposed matrix : Indicators, preliminary framework of GRG matrix
Pilot testing : Findings of pilot, human resource gap, enabling facilities for women employees, district level comparison of outcomes indicators, analysis of gram panchayats and gender gaps
Observations of Matrix for GRG
Proposed indicators for final GRG matrix : Gender gaps at district level and block level officers, panchayat level gender gaps in process and outcome data, participation in governance- Gram sabha and panchayat, education, health and nutrition, asset ownership and livelihoods, safety and security of women
gender & development

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