Madhuri, NV Nilanjana Sengupta
Gender Friendly Panchayats: Best Practices - Thrissur Centre for Gender studies and Development, NIRDPR UN woman 2018 - 42
Zero domestic violence--empowerment of women through panchayat--eco-feminist approach--quality education for children--participatory development through PRA
women & empowerment
best practices among panchayat
best practices among LSGIs
362.83 / MAD/G
Gender Friendly Panchayats: Best Practices - Thrissur Centre for Gender studies and Development, NIRDPR UN woman 2018 - 42
Zero domestic violence--empowerment of women through panchayat--eco-feminist approach--quality education for children--participatory development through PRA
women & empowerment
best practices among panchayat
best practices among LSGIs
362.83 / MAD/G