Sheppard Adam PeelD eborah Ritchie; Heather Berry, Sophie
The essential guide to planning law : decision-making and practice in the UK - Bristol Policy Press 2017 - xii, 228 p
Planning in Law and legislation in Great Britain.
Planning in Law and legislation.
Planning law in context, nature of planning law, development of planning law, planning, plans and policy in devolved UK, core elements of planning law, development management- permissions, applications and permitted development
Planning conditions agreements and obligations, specialist planning arrangements, other forms of planning control and consent, enforcement, planning appeals, judicial review and ombudsman, reflections on planning law
346.41045 / SHE/E
The essential guide to planning law : decision-making and practice in the UK - Bristol Policy Press 2017 - xii, 228 p
Planning in Law and legislation in Great Britain.
Planning in Law and legislation.
Planning law in context, nature of planning law, development of planning law, planning, plans and policy in devolved UK, core elements of planning law, development management- permissions, applications and permitted development
Planning conditions agreements and obligations, specialist planning arrangements, other forms of planning control and consent, enforcement, planning appeals, judicial review and ombudsman, reflections on planning law
346.41045 / SHE/E